Career - 19.10.19

L'attitude º53

Naquilo que queremos, naquilo que somos, naquilo que fazemos. É preciso é ter atitude.  Atitude para conquistar aquilo que queremos. Ati...

- 7.10.19

A estrada

Encontrei-te por acaso na estrada da vida Nesses dias em que tudo parece mudar Sorriste para mim de forma assumida E tudo em mim transfor...

Lifestyle - 5.1.19

Have a wonderful 2019!

So we are starting a new year, 2019!  So many new experiences, adventures and challenges to live.  First of all, I want to wish you the...

Lifestyle - 22.10.18

A step back can help you to grow

Sometimes when you step back, you are growing into a new direction more aligned with your new version of yourself. Everytime you step back,...

Business - 10.9.18

How to get organized and get back to work

September for me always meant getting back to school, but now it's the first time that officially is not going to happen. I'm curre...

Business - 8.9.18


My goal is to be better than the day before. And that always should be the main goal of everyone. I just try to be more kind to people, more...

Business - 24.8.18

Is it 24 hours a day enough? | #Barbieboss struggles

Nowadays, we have so much less time to live. We live in a society where everything is needed for yesterday, so it's easy to fall into st...

Pensamentos - 15.8.18

EMPATHY | The best way to get to people

I'm aware of my distance to my writing corner. But today something has shifted in my head. I was watching The Bold Type series and it ma...



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