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Why men are reckless?


"I was reckless with your heart." Someone thought. So many times this happens to a guy who likes a girl but he screws it up. Being 100% of the times sure of what you feel about a person is difficult you know. But you learn to find a way to deal with it without hurting anyone's feelings. You have to truly believe that everything is going to work out in the end. Because we all have a purpose in this life.
Relationships are no different.

I truly believe in the energy of the universe pulling us together for a reason. And without complaining we accept what is meant for us, because we like that person, we care for that person, we admire, we desire, we love that person. And it's ok to put your weapons down and embrace the feelings in between the way.

Respect, trust, admiration, partnership and a satisfying sexual life are the foundation for a relationship to work out. And if it didn't it was because it wasn't well structured before. You have to take care of the person you love without judging, which for the most people it's somehow complicated. You have to respect their opinion without agreeing with everything otherwise you lose your  personal opinion. You have to trust but not to be blind. You have to admire that person like crazy but not become a groupie. You have to be there everytime it's needed but without being too much. And you have to satisfy each other in bed. So tell me if this isn't the most ambiguous statements in life.

So woman will ask man why they are reckless until they have kids and start to think about taking care of a house. Simply it's too much to think about at one time. We woman are much much more multi-tasking which is scientifically proven, so man take advantage of it. We always have to think about everything in a row. They only think one thing at the time, which works for them, because they have us after all. So the point is that they should congratulate us everyday for our fantastic work of taking care of the house, work, children, parents, friends and still look good and fabulous all shaved and smelling amazing, while they leave their beard to do for days.

Hope you enjoyed this chronicle of Man against Woman. What do you think about it? Let me know in the comments down below. Am I right ladys?

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