Learning to fly alone


I think I've reached the most difficult point of my life. Now that I'm almost independent, but I'm still not. I have to start to make my own decisions by myself. And it's so difficult, because it's the first time that my decisions have direct implications in my future. Whether I keep my job, whether I step ahead and accept a new one, where I do not know anything about. I find myself insecure and with so many doubts in my head that I start to realize it's too much to handle. So I have to sit back and relax. Try to let life guide me, as it always did. No matter which decisions I make, life will always show which is the best way. They say that when

"you start to make plans, life laughs at you"

and it's so true.

One day I got up and thought how stupid I am for not enjoying the free days I have until I start my new life. Although I don't know how it's going to be tomorrow, it's in my hands to make the most out of today. I have dreams and too many expectations. But the path to success is not always straight. And what is success after all if we don't feel well with ourselves? It means nothing.

I have to learn to let go all of my toxic thoughts and let things flow naturally. It's the best way to live it. One step at the time without pressure!

Be a voice, not an echo

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