Gravity. It's something that pulls you down.
But then you realise that is not only the power of the earth that is pulling you down, it's also you. You have no idea how you can pull you down sometimes. Be hard to yourself only keeps you more unperfect. Perfection is an illusion. Nobody can be 100% perfect. Only dolls are cut out to be the best version of themselves everyday. It's ok if you can't always be at your greatest. It's ok if you can't pull it off every time. It's ok if you aren't able to come up with good ideas everyday.
Sometimes you just need a break. When you start to feel pushed to the ground not only by gravity, that's when you have to react and start to do something! That is not doing nothing at all. If you push to hard on yourself every single day, there's not going to be funny stories to tell about the low picks of your life and you even are able to apreciate the journey. You are always obssessed with results and you don't feel the means to reach it.
Let go your free soul, be happy, love each other, protect nature, breathe.
And with all that I'm out, peace.
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Beijinhos azuis
D' O blog que inspira e transpira energia para o dia-a-dia.
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