POP cereal #coolplaces


Hello, blues!
There is a place where I went a few monts ago that only now I'm able to show you, because ever since I've know this place I kept in secret so that no one else could go there and I would have it all for my own (just kidding, I really forgot).

So if you are a cereal killer like me and if you really want to spend some good time with friends' company in a cool place, this one is the perfect modern place to go with all the types of cereals and milks you could imagine. And it's not only open at breakfast time, you can go there to have lunch also or even dinner! Because it's still open until midnight. It's placed in Bairro Alto and it has a really cool manequin at the front door, so I think it's easy to find. I took some really nice photos there, because the wals were all decorated with pop art. You can check it right below.

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