Açaí | The superfood
If you don't know yet the power of the superfood and the superfruit of Açaí, brought from Amazonia, you don't know what you are missing. Even if we had a milion lifes, at least in one of them we had to try it. This is a real bomb of so many nutrients like antioxidants, carbon hidrates, proteins, fibre, calcium, potassium, vitamin B2 and B6, among others. It has many benefits, besides it tastes good. It's good for your heart, intestines, keeps the blood sugar index low, it's anti-inflamatory, it boosts your imune system, it fights anemy and it prevents cancer and alzheimer.
And even with all this good reasons, it's really appetizing and there's so many wats you can eat it.
Here I have some suggestions, you can have an açaí bowl with granola, chia pudding, banana, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, dehidrated coconut, raw cocoa. And you can even top it with edible flowers if you like! The options are varied, you only have to choose which one you like the most!
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