To Do List College Vacations


Hello beautiful, now that you've noticed I'm on my college pause for vacations, I have more time to spend in things I like and things I really need to do, so this is my To Do List for these days:

- Watch movies I've never seen (except Star Wars, yes shame on me) and TV series (suggestions?)
- Get actualized about fashion news of the next season
- Find the perfect ipad cover
- Get rid of old stuff that don't have use anymore
- Find an internship that fits me
- Hang out with friends and do new stuff
- Get my car fixed first
- Go to volunteering formation
- Learn how to do amazing be-fit-smothies
- Keep going to gym and be healthy
- Align my chakras that really need to be aligned (ahah)
- Read 50 shades of grey (first volume) and finish Insurgent book and "Promise to fail"
- Realize that life is hard but it also helps us to grow up stronger, guess what: what doensn't kill you, makes you stronger.
- Listen to a lot of good music
- Arrange all my billion photos and documents into folders
- Closet Detox

Cute to-do list printable

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