
Divergent review


Have you already seen Divergent? Well I've seen it today and I loved it! Not because of the main actor - Theo James - but because of the great argument based on the novel by Veronica Roth. The story is simple: two characters give life to Beatrice Prior (Shailene Woodley) and Four (Theo James). The world is divided into factions: Abnegation (selfless), Amity (peaceful), Candor (truthful), Erudite (intelligent) and Dauntless (brave) through personalties tests made on their 16-b-day. Then the world come into a threat created by Erudite because they secretly want to control the world. Then Beatrice chooses their path - dauntless - but she's already knew that her destiny was none of the 5 categories. "-You don't fit into a categorie, you need to hide to survive!" And the story stars to run. And the rest I can't tell you because you have to see it.

The soundtrack is also inviting: Ellie Goulding - Beating heart, Snow Patrol - I won't let you go.

Due to a lapso this review was not published in the right time, I have written shortly after the movie was released, but unfortunatelly the scheduling didn't work and I've only noticed by now. Sorry. Kisses and hugs.

P.S It seems it was on purpose, because I just bought the book, cause I really enjoyed the movie!

Well after all it wasn't any mistake, by the way this part was written in 18th April 2014. Ahah

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